When you complete your courses, you can share your final project with the community and your teachers to show the knowledge and skills that you have gained during your learning experience. In order to do so, you only need to follow the steps which are indicated in the article: I want to add a project, how do I do that?
If you are experiencing problems when trying to upload your project, please take a look at the following list of the most common errors and how to solve them:
- If an error message appears as you are trying to upload your project's content, please make sure that the files do not exceed the maximum permitted size. For images, the maximum size is 10MB. When you upload images to a project, they can sometimes appear cropped during the preview but don't worry, once you publish the project the full image will be displayed.
- Error while uploading a video: The files in video or audio format should first be uploaded to a storage platform such as Vimeo, YouTube, SoundCloud, or something similar. Once a URL has been generated, you should add it to your project in the corresponding space as the website won't allow you to upload a video file or audio file directly. NOTE: Please make sure that the video privacy settings are set to public on the host platform if not, your video won’t be uploaded.
- Error while uploading a cover image: The cover image is the presentation image for your project. This should be in a square-shaped format and be at least 1200px wide and 1200px high and must be in either JPEG, PNG or GIF format.
- If the option of clicking the "Publish" button is not active, this is because you have not completed all of the obligatory fields which are: Title, Area, Cover Image and Content. The rest of the fields (Software used, Website, Client, etc.) are optional.
- If you are trying to upload the final project of your course in the section entitled "Projects" and the option "Post your course Project" does not appear, please access your portfolio as you may have previously saved your project as a draft and will have to publish it from there.