You can cancel your Domestika Plus subscription at any time, directly from Domestika's website or any Android device. After logging into your profile, you just have to access the Subscriptions section of your account from the web by clicking here.
Once there, you'll see the option to cancel your subscription.
From your Android device, you can cancel your subscription from the Manage subscription option in the Domestika Plus section:
If you have subscribed to Plus using an iOS device, as renewal payments are processed directly by the App Store, when you tap on Manage subscription, you will be redirected to the subscription section of your Apple ID, where you will be able to manage your Plus subscription or cancel the renewal if you wish to do so. You can find more information on how to manage your Apple subscriptions here.
Once you have canceled your subscription, the changes will be saved, and your subscription will no longer be renewed on the indicated date, so you will no longer be a Plus member.
Please note that you will remain a Plus member until the end of the period for which you have paid, which will be confirmed once you cancel. You will also be able to see this information in your account.
When your subscription ends, you will still be able to enjoy all of the general Domestika content and access your courses and available credits.
If you want to reactivate your subscription renewal, you can also do this from the same section of your profile: just click on Activate the renewal of my Domestika Plus subscription → You will also be able to reactivate it from your profile if you use an Android device.
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