When you purchase a course on Domestika, it will be automatically activated in your profile so that you can access it from both the web and the app. We will also send you a confirmation email with a direct link, but in case you can't find it, you can follow the steps below to access your course:
To access your course or courses from the website simply log in to your account by clicking on the Login button (that you will find on the top right of the screen of the Domestika’s website homepage) and selecting the corresponding option depending on how you registered with Domestika.
Once inside your profile, you should click on the My Courses button that appears in the top part of the screen, on the left-hand side of the search bar.
To access your course from the app, just log in with your profile and go to the My courses tab at the bottom of the screen.
Remember to log in with the same profile that you used to complete the purchase, either indicating your email and password, entering through your Facebook profile, or using your Apple ID if you chose this option. For more information, please click on the following article: Which email address did I use to create/access my Domestika profile?
If your course or courses do not appear in your profile, please check this article: I can't find my course in my profile